Make Money With Noorali Affiliate Program. Join and Start Earning $$$ Today!
Earning money is difficult — Not Anymore. Drive traffic from your website / mobile site / mobile apps / social media platforms etc to and earn commission on every purchase. Join today, lead the way you love on your own terms, and earn up to Rs 50000 like a Pro. Apply Now
How does Noorali’s Affiliate Program work?
All you have to do is refer customers to our website. Make money by placing links on your website / social media platforms to Each time a person clicks on the affiliate link on your website/ mobile site / mobile apps / social media platforms and makes a purchase on our site, you earn a commission. Get started today!!
Now Go, Get Set, Start Earning, and give yourself the financial freedom!!
Noorali Affiliate Program FAQ’S
Do I have to pay anything to become an Affiliate?
No. You can join our Affiliate Program for free.
How does your Affiliate Program work?
All you have to do is refer customers to our website. Each time a person clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase on our site, you earn a commission.
How much money can I expect to earn with Noorali Affiliate?
Refer and earn up to a whopping Rs 50,000 every month through successful sales. The more you refer and convert your referrals into sales the more you will earn. So simple and so transparent isn’t it?
What is the minimum amount eligibility for me to get paid?
You are eligible for payment when you have reached Rs 1000 INR in affiliate commission.
When are the payments sent?
You will get paid after the completion of 15 days of sale i.e. if you make a sale on 15th March then the sale will get confirmed on 30th March and we will, subsequently, sent your payment on 1st April if it’s above the minimum threshold.
How do I track my Affiliate sales?
You need to Log in to your affiliate account to view sales, pending commission, and more.
Who do I contact for affiliate-related questions?
You can use the contact us form or send us an email at We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Can I earn commissions on my own purchases?
No. You will not receive a commission when purchasing through your own affiliate link.
I don’t have a website. Can I still participate in your Affiliate Program? What methods of promotion can I use?
Yes, you can make use of different social channels — Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc to promote our products and earn